Kahuna Retreat
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Kahuna Retreat
with Hawaiian Kahuna Massage
A unique opportunity for healing and rejuvenation
December 2021 - dates to be announced
3-day transformational retreat
This unique retreat will allow our true passion for life to blossom once again.
What a beautiful way to raise our vibration for many new amazing experiences in 2019!
You may give yourself a vibrant gift of re-connection to your true loving self, like-minded people & blissful experiences.
Your facilitators: Laika van Oostveen & Lily Kamenova
We offer this retreat once a year, in December for maximum of 8 participants.
In the program
Every day giving and receiving two Hawaiian Kahuna Massages for restoring our natural feeling of joy, playfulness & peace
Every day enjoyable dance explorations of different rhythms of life - Hawaiian Huna Dance, Latin American rhythms, Argentine Tango, Bulgarian & Greek folk dances and more …
Every day vibrant light vegetarian nutritious food, fresh juices and smoothies - to share
Every day sharing amazing inspirational teachings from Hawaiian Huna & Chinese Zhineng Qigong philosophies, BLT (Blissful Living Teaching); ACIM (A Course in Miracles), inspired by our spiritual teachers Master Ashraf Moorad, Master Hongchi Xiao, Master Yuantong Liu, Eckhart Tolle & many more
Every day building strength, joy, peace and flexibility - we will start each day with Lily’s “Easy Stretch” classes & end the day with Laika’s Qigong classes & empowering breathing exercises.
Every day sharing ... & many more enjoyable practices & experiences.
Four full days of practicing Blissful Living. ... And then, watch the space for powerful transformation from within!
Looking forward to sharing with you abundance of joyful experiences and our unconditional love & care!!!
Booking information
When: dates to be announced
Venue: 5 Condon Rd, Blairgowrie, Randburg
1-day retreat - R850
2-day retreat - R1700
3-day retreat - R2500
Discounted fee is offered to all active ICPKP students - please enquire
Experience a full day retreat for the price of a Kahuna massage
- give and receive 2 Kahuna massages + a full day self-healing experiences
Facilitators: Lazarina van Oostveen & Lily Kamenova
Tel: (+27) 011 781 8211; Cell: 072 357 8262
Email: laika@kinesiologysa.com