Study Kinesiology

Certification in Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP)

Course path 

Where to Start?

Start HERE -

Level 1

 Starting in October 2024

Diploma courses

Levels 2 - 5 

Prerequisite: Level 1

Self-care course

K-Power®  1-day 

open to everyone


  It is easy to enroll and fun to learn.

🌼  Small groups. Individual mentoring and care.

No previous experience is required.

All ICPKP® kinesiology courses offer an opportunity for excellent professional exploration & expansion. 

Personal growth is an important part of the training.


 The ICPKP training is very flexible.

🌼  The  classes are organized in short 15h units

Students can enroll for as many units as they wish.

The teacher can assist them to find their own pace.

Most of the classes are face-to-face. 

Some of the classes will be offered online as well.

Level 1 Certification

International PKP™ Practitioner Certification Kinesiopractic® level 1

issued by ICPKP  - International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice

Venue: 5 Condon Rd, Blairgowrie, Randburg, Gauteng, SA

Teacher: Lazarina van Oostveen (a faculty member of ICPKP)

Benefits to qualify as a PKP kinesiologist

·   A unique opportunity for healing and expansion on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. This is a step by step personal development program for wellness and rejuvenation.

·  An opportunity to open own kinesiology practice, choose own working hours and work in a peaceful home environment. 

·   The graduate may choose to practice kinesiology after hours to earn additional income, or combine kinesiology with their other holistic practices.

.   An opportunity to earn while learning. All PKP students are encouraged to facilitate K-Power kinesiology workshops, and earn while learning. This can help them with their training, confidence and experience.

.   The ICPKP training programs are structured in modules. Students can attend as many modules as they wish, in accordance with their preference and level of commitment

Recognition & accreditation

Our kinesiology courses are recognised by the following colleges and associations:

Copyright 2021 © The Kinesiology Healing Centre of Johannesburg